Editorial Policy

Our goal is to make complex financial information easier for you and to help you gain confidence in making decisions on every aspect of your financial life. Financial life involves challenges and personal decisions, whether you are investing, running a small business, planning a major purchase or buying a house. There are always questions that require answers, and we’ve been helping millions of people get them. Let us explain how we create our articles and reviews you often rely on when looking for those answers and making decisions.


  • Inspire Confidence:

    Finance can be intimidating, as it is a very complex area. We aim to provide you with information that will inspire confidence in you, regardless of your level of experience.

  • Unbiased:

    Our articles and reviews are also unbiased. We carefully research information and make sure that our reviews do not support any specific political or economic points of view.

  • Accuracy:

    Having accurate financial information, presented clearly and updated regularly is of the utmost importance to us. We continuously work to ensure that the information we provide you with is as accurate as possible. Any mistakes, inaccuracies or misrepresentations discovered by our readers are investigated and corrected promptly.

  • Inclusive:

    We work to ensure that our content serves - and depicts with dignity and respect - people of different ages, nationalities, religions, gender identities, sexual orientations, ethnicities, relationship statuses, physical and mental abilities, and family types.


We are committed to complying with the Codes of Ethics of the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing (SABEW). Our content is guided by and upholds the Society for Professional Journalists’ foundations of ethical journalism: being accurate and fair, minimizing harm, acting independently, and being accountable and transparent. We also uphold the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) guidelines on disclosures, where applicable.

Traders Union publishes materials for informational purposes; they are not intended to substitute for legal advice or a recommendation made by professional accountant, financial advisor, or other certified financial professionals.

Editorial Process

Our writers and experts create all the materials you will find on Traders Union. We do not give advice to buy, sell, or hold securities or investments. However, we do provide insights, in-depth research and analysis and educational content to help you make informed decisions. We also try to provide practical examples, wherever possible, to help you understand the topic better.

Our editorial team regularly monitors articles and reviews on our website in order to detect outdated information. Such information is analyzed and updated, or rechecked, or even completely rewritten, if necessary. Our experts help keep our website updated. You can see the date of the update on the articles that have undergone review and changes.

Quality Standards

Creation of every article or review involves many people, who work hard to make sure that the information in it is accurate, reliable, trustworthy, helpful and in line with our editorial principles.

The ideas for stories are approved independently and then the writing is assigned to specific experts who have deep knowledge of the subject matter. The articles are then rechecked, reviewed and edited by professional editors who make sure they comply with our values, which include reliability, accuracy, objectivity. All staff are responsible for disclosing any potential conflicts of interest.


Traders Union is committed to correcting errors and informing the readers about it. This concerns both small and large mistakes, including news, but only if a mistake was made at the time of original publication. Corrections are clearly shown on the page. If you have found an error, please let us know and we will fix it.


Traders Union has a special procedure for choosing, vetting and hiring writers and experts. We select professionals in various areas of finance, while others have broad experience as financial writers. The selection criteria include knowledge of the industry and ability to communicate complex topics in clear, accessible, and understandable language.

Every article’s author or reviewer is listed at the top of the page, almost in the middle, to the right of the date, and is linked to their biography, which you can click on to learn more about their professional experience and education. All writers are required to uphold the editorial guidelines listed above.

Third-Party Content

Third-party content is carefully reviewed by the Traders Union editorial team to ensure that it is aligned with our policies and standards. Any such content is labeled clearly to notify you of its source.