Pocket Option explained how to collect and use crystals on the platform
Mirjan Hipolito
Cryptocurrency and stock expert

In a recent announcement, Pocket Option has provided a detailed guide on how users can collect and utilize crystals within their trading platform. 

This innovative feature aims to enhance the trading experience by offering unique rewards and incentives for active traders.

Pocket Option has introduced a system where traders can earn and use crystals to gain various trading advantages. Crystals can be collected through different methods, including trading achievements, purchases, and social trading activities.

Here’s a breakdown of how traders can make the most out of this feature:

1. Earning Crystals through Trading Achievements: Traders can accumulate crystals by reaching specific trading milestones. These achievements are designed to reward active participation and successful trading strategies, motivating users to engage more with the platform.

2. Purchasing Crystals in the Market: Users can also purchase crystals directly from the Market using their account balance. This option provides an easy way for traders to acquire crystals if they prefer to boost their trading experience without waiting to achieve milestones.

3. Using the Mining License for Social Trading.

One of the unique aspects of Pocket Option’s crystal system is the ability to gather crystal shards by copying other traders’ deals. To participate, users need to purchase and activate a mining license. With this license, they can earn crystal shards for each copied trade. 

Once 1000 shards are collected, they can be combined to form a full crystal, which can then be exchanged in the Market for various benefits.

This innovative approach by Pocket Option not only enhances user engagement but also provides traders with additional incentives to trade actively and explore different trading strategies. By integrating these gaming elements into their platform, Pocket Option aims to create a more dynamic and rewarding trading environment.

A spokesperson from Pocket Option explained, "Our goal with introducing the crystal system is to offer our traders more than just a trading platform. We want to create a community where traders feel motivated and rewarded for their efforts. This system is designed to add an extra layer of excitement and value to their trading activities".

For traders, this means more opportunities to benefit from their trading activities, turning every trade into a potential reward.

By offering multiple ways to earn and use crystals, the platform not only incentivizes active trading but also fosters a more engaging and rewarding environment for its users. As this feature gains popularity, it could inspire further innovations across the trading industry.

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