Interactive Brokers issued a statement on the sharp drop in Berkshire Hathaway's share prices
Mirjan Hipolito
Cryptocurrency and stock expert

Interactive Brokers suffers financial losses due to Berkshire Hathaway Class a stock plunge.

Interactive Brokers issued a statement addressing the sudden and significant drop in the price of Berkshire Hathaway Class A shares on June 3, 2024. The statement aims to clarify the situation for clients and the broader market. The sharp decline, which caused concern among investors, prompted Interactive Brokers to explain the circumstances and assure stakeholders of the measures being taken to manage such market fluctuations.

On Monday, June 3, 2024, at approximately 9:50 AM ET, the price of Berkshire Hathaway Class A stock (BRK A) abruptly plummeted from around $622,000 per share to nearly $185 per share in a matter of seconds. This unexpected drop of one of the most valuable and stable stocks in the market triggered immediate speculation and unease among investors. It occurred within an unidentified technical glitch on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). This technical issue and the dramatic price event prompted NYSE to halt trading in BRK A immediately.

Interactive Brokers promptly released a statement to address the situation. According to the statement, some clients of various brokerage subsidiaries of Interactive Brokers Group, Inc. (together with its subsidiaries, the "Company"), apparently attempting to take advantage of this "opportunity," submitted market orders to buy during the trading halt, likely expecting these orders to be executed at the price of around $185 per share.

NYSE reopened trading in BRK A at approximately 11:35:54 AM ET at a price of $648,000, after which the price surged to $741,971 per share. Traders who placed market buy orders during the trading halt were executed at varying prices, with some at the maximum price.

The Company emphasized that its systems and procedures functioned correctly. Interactive Brokers immediately filed a petition with NYSE for clearly erroneous trade execution. However, NYSE denied the request for financial compensation. Interactive Brokers' financial losses amounted to $48 million, Investing.com reported.

"We have been closely monitoring the situation and can confirm that the sharp decline in Berkshire Hathaway Class A shares was the result of an isolated large sell order. Our systems effectively handled this order, ensuring market stability and protecting our clients from a broader market impact. The Company is actively exploring various means to recover these funds, including potential legal action against NYSE or its affiliates," the company stated.

This incident highlights the importance of sophisticated trading systems that can absorb and manage large orders without causing significant disruptions, FNG informs.

For investors, this statement serves as a reminder of the importance of staying informed about market dynamics and the role of brokerage firms in ensuring market integrity. Interactive Brokers' response not only addressed immediate concerns but also reinforced investor confidence in the reliability of its platform.

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