​Coinbase launches Smart Wallet: Gasless transactions and more
Mirjan Hipolito
Cryptocurrency and stock expert

Coinbase’s new smart wallets aims to revolutionize the user experience by eliminating network fees and simplifying onboarding processes. This development marks a significant step towards making cryptocurrency transactions more accessible.

Coinbase has unveiled its latest innovation in crypto management: a smart wallet designed to simplify and enhance the on-chain experience for users. The new wallet promises to address common pain points in crypto transactions, such as complex onboarding and high network fees, by providing a streamlined, gasless experience, according to The Daily Hodl.

The smart wallet offers users the ability to conduct transactions without the need for network fees, which have been a significant barrier to widespread crypto adoption. This feature is particularly beneficial for new users who might be deterred by the costs associated with blockchain transactions. "Smart wallets eliminate the need for gas fees, making it easier and cheaper for users to get on-chain," Coinbase stated in their announcement.

Additionally, the wallet aims to simplify the user experience with effortless onboarding, reducing the steps required to create and use a wallet. Users can set up their wallet using familiar authentication methods like Face ID or Google profiles, bypassing the traditional requirement for recovery seed phrases. This ease of use is expected to attract a broader audience to the world of decentralized finance (DeFi).

The smart wallet also supports cross-app portability, allowing users to manage their digital assets seamlessly across various decentralized applications (dApps). This integration facilitates a more fluid experience, enabling activities such as trading on decentralized exchanges and minting NFTs without the need to switch between platforms.

Moreover, Coinbase has included support for multiple blockchain networks, including Ethereum, Polygon, and its own Layer-2 solution, Base. This multi-chain support ensures that users have access to a wide range of dApps and services, further enhancing the utility and appeal of the smart wallet.

The launch of the smart wallet is part of Coinbase’s broader strategy to increase the adoption of cryptocurrency by addressing the barriers that have traditionally hindered its widespread use.

For more detailed information, visit the official Coinbase blog publication.

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