​Bitget COO participated in educational initiative at the University of Nicosia
Mirjan Hipolito
Cryptocurrency and stock expert

The event took place on June 12, 2024 at the UNESCO Amphitheater of the University of Nicosia. Bitget's Chief Operating Officer (COO), Vugar Usi Zade, joined an apprenticeship event, aimed at promoting education in the cryptocurrency sector.

According to the official press release, this is the first time Bitget's COO Apprentices have been to an external crypto event. It's a great chance for them to network and learn more about the industry. They met with leading experts from the University of Nicosia, the first university to offer accredited MSc and PhD degrees in blockchain and digital currency. They were also given insights into the latest trends in the crypto industry.

Recall that Bitget recently introduced its new Web3 leadership program, "Bitget COO Apprentice," which is aimed at Europe. This program, which forms part of Bitget's Blockchain4Youth initiative, offers young talent the opportunity to engage in direct collaboration with the company's executive team.

Bitget’s Blockchain4Youth initiative launched in May 2023 with a $10 million commitment over the next five years. It is dedicated to nurturing talent and driving innovation in the Web3 ecosystem.

"Bitget COO Apprentice offers young graduates the chance to learn from industry experts, gain practical experience, and prepare them to have meaningful impacts on the crypto industry," commented Vugar Usi Zade.

The COO's participation underscores Bitget's commitment to bridging the gap between academic knowledge and practical industry applications. At the event, various topics were discussed, including the evolving landscape of cryptocurrency regulations, the importance of security in digital asset exchanges, and the future prospects of blockchain technology.

Such engagements are expected to become more common, fostering a symbiotic relationship between academia and industry. This could lead to more robust regulatory frameworks, enhanced security protocols, and innovative advancements in crypto landscape.

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