7 Best free cloud mining providers in 2024

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7 Best free cloud mining sites and services in 2024:

Name Minimum investment Fees
ECOS $150 Plan starting at $0.75 TH/S per month.
StormGain $50 0.25%
Genisis Mining $500 $29 per mH/s
NiceHash 0.034 BTC 2258 BTC for one mH/s per day
IQ Mining $108 Roughly $0.675 for every 0.1 mH/s
Bitdeer $542 $542 per 50 TH/s 
BeMine $99 $61 one-time payment

Cloud mining has become a popular way for cryptocurrency enthusiasts to participate in digital asset mining without large upfront costs or technical expertise. By leveraging rented cloud-based mining power, users can gain exposure to cryptocurrency rewards while avoiding expensive mining hardware, maintenance responsibilities, and high electricity bills. Within the cloud mining landscape, some platforms offer free bonuses or trial periods that don't require deposits.

This article explores 7 of the best free cloud mining providers in 2024 for earning cryptocurrency. It examines factors like minimum deposit amounts, supported coins, ongoing fees, payout structures and more. Careful research is still advised to avoid any potential frauds in this evolving sector.

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  • Is cloud mining profitable?

    Profitability depends on factors like electricity costs, hash rates purchased, and market prices. Regular income is not guaranteed due to market volatility. Research providers thoroughly.

  • What is hash rate?

    Hash rate refers to the speed at which a mining machine can process transactions on the blockchain. Higher hash rates purchased correspond to larger mining rewards potential.

  • How are fees calculated?

    Fees structures vary between providers but typically involve a per hash or gigahash charge deducted on an ongoing monthly or yearly basis.

  • How are payouts distributed?

    Most cloud mining sites pay out earnings on a daily basis directly to the wallet address provided during registration. Minimum payout thresholds may apply.

What is free cloud mining?

Cloud mining is a process of mining for cryptocurrency using rented computing power, without having to install and run hardware or software. Mining is done via cloud, so maintenance costs and direct energy costs are reduced.

Each cloud miner participates in a mining pool, where they rent hash power in proportion to the amount they have purchased.

Cloud mining leverages cloud computing in order to produce blockchain-based cryptocurrencies. Cloud computing is one of the fastest-growing technology trends, which allows users to access processing, server capacity, database services, software, and file storage via the cloud (over the Internet).

Mining is the process by which transactions are verified and added to the public ledger (known as the blockchain). It is also the means through which new coins are released. A combination of cloud mining and cryptocurrency opens up the world of mining to people at distant locations with little or no technical knowledge and hardware infrastructure.

Best free cloud mining providers in2024

Name Minimum investment  Supported coins  Fees Payout
ECOS $150 Bitcoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Bitcoin Cash, Tether, Litecoin. Plan starting at $0.75 TH/S per month. Daily, 0.001 BTC.
StormGain $50 Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, Litecoin 0.25% Daily, 50 USD
Genisis Mining $500 Bitcoin, Ethereum, Zcash, Dash, Monero, Litecoin $29 per mH/s Daily
NiceHash 0.034 BTC Bitcoin (BTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), Litecoin (LTC), Dogecoin (DOGE), Zcash (ZEC) 2258 BTC for one mH/s per day Daily, 0.1 BTC
IQ Mining $108 Bitcoin, Ripple, Ethereum, Iota, Dash, Litecoin, and more. Roughly $0.675 for every 0.1 mH/s Daily in BTC
Bitdeer $542 More than 10 cryptocurrencies including Bitcoin, Ethereum, Zcash, Litecoin and Dogecoin $542 per 50 TH/s  0.005 BTC
BeMine $99 Bitcoin, Ethereum, Zcash $61 one-time payment 0.005 BTC, Daily


Over 100,000 users around the world use ECOS.

An accessible calculator can help you determine the best option based on mining returns. Mobile and web apps are available for ECOS.

Additionally, the company hosts mining equipment and provides mining contracts, as well as cryptocurrency indices. The Defi Protocols Index, the Metaverse Index, and the NFT Index are some of the others. In the smartphone app, you can hold and trade 247 cryptocurrencies with a multi-currency wallet.


  • Using a slider on the website, you can customize the length, size, and profit of your contract.

  • Utilize Android and iOS apps to manage mining contracts and crypto assets.

  • 0.000001 BTC is the wallet's extremely low withdrawal minimum.

  • They offer a one hundred eighty-day warranty on their equipment and hosting services.

  • For one month, you can test the platform with a free mining contract.

💱 Fees: Plan starting at $0.75 TH/S per month
🚀 Minimum Investment: $150
💰 Payouts: Daily, 0.001 BTC
🏛 Founding Year: 2017

2. StormGain

Open an account
Your capital is at risk.

Bitcoin mining software StormGain enables you to invest in digital currency effortlessly. Users can monitor rising and falling assets through a user-friendly dashboard. In addition to tracking trends and price movements, this application also includes powerful charting tools.


  • A secure wallet protects your cryptocurrency.

  • Depending on your needs, you can choose from a variety of payment options.

  • Digital currency can be mined without expensive equipment.

  • You can earn interest on your funds up to 12%.

💱 Fees: 0.25%
🚀 Minimum Investment: $100
💰 Payouts: Daily, 50 USD
🏛 Founding Year: 2019

3. Genesis Mining

Genesis Mining developed the first mine in Eastern Europe from Hong Kong. Over 200,000 clients from diverse nations use its services at present. Different types of miners can choose from their wide range of cryptocurrency mining options, including newbies, family miners, and large investors.


  • Your wallet address will be credited with daily mining profits

  • Mining several cryptocurrencies at once is possible.

  • There are no monthly maintenance fees

💱 Fees: $29 per mH/s
🚀 Minimum Investment: $500
💰 Payouts: Daily
🏛 Founding Year: 2013

4. NiceHash

NiceHash provides mining hosting and computing services. By using it, you can link your miners, deposit coins, purchase mining packs, and sell hash rates. Use NiceHash to sell GPU hash rates on your computer after installing the application, selecting a GPU, and then using that GPU's hash rate.


  • Cryptocurrencies such as Ethereum, Dogecoin, Litecoin, and others can be mined.

  • Fiat's withdrawals

  • Cryptocurrency trading platform integrated into the app

  • Supervision and management of remote mining operations

  • Trading with a hash rate on a peer-to-peer network

💱 Fees: 2258 BTC for one mH/s per day
🚀 Minimum Investment: 0.034 BTC
💰 Payouts: Daily, 0.1 BTC
🏛 Founding Year: 2014

5. IQ Mining

With IQ Mining, you will be able to benefit from the experience of a team of blockchain and IT experts with cryptocurrency experience. Algeria, Georgia, Canada, Iceland, and China are among the countries where the company operates data centers. Combined with options margin, it allows you to trade cryptocurrencies.


  • Extra income from specialized mining agreements

  • Trade funds up to the full contract cost in exchange for your contract pledge.

  • A mining contract without funding

  • Mining information for Bitcoin

💱 Fees: Roughly $0.675 for every 0.1 mH/s
🚀 Minimum Investment: $108
💰 Payouts: Daily in BTC
🏛 Founding Year: 2017

6. Bitdeer

It is now possible to trade cloud hash mining contracts, multi-brand markets for hash rates, and cloud hosting services on a popular cryptocurrency platform called Bitdeer. With Bitdeer, a well-known global provider of digital assets, customers from more than 200 countries can now access cloud contracts. A major goal of the company is to form strategic partnerships with global mining pools and equipment manufacturers. Furthermore, this service provider operates data centers in the US and Norway. As a result of Bitdeer's excellent mining facilities, it promises 100% uptime to its customers.


  • A calculator for profitability and income

  • A marketplace for hash rates with a range of third-party sources

  • Direct payments received from the top mining pools

  • Charts of cryptocurrencies in real-time

  • Bonuses and promotions

💱 Fees: $542 per 50 TH/s
🚀 Minimum Investment: $542
💰 Payouts: Daily, 0.002 BTC
🏛 Founding Year: 2018

7. BeMine

It supports the purchase and sale of digital currencies and the mining of hash rates. Cryptocurrency investing and usage advice can also be provided to customers. In addition, they can assist with business registration, e-commerce, and ICO initiatives.

You can also ask the firm to remotely set up your mining equipment while you wait for revenues to be withdrawn from your selected wallet.


  • Should you have any doubts, you can try the service by mining with a free Antminer S19 for 3 days.

  • On referral purchases, it offers 7% more than other cloud mining companies.

  • There is an inbuilt cryptocurrency exchange in cryptocurrency cloud mining.

  • 70 MW/h of total capacity across four data centers.

  • Your account is automatically charged $0.054 kW/h for electricity.

💱 Fees: $61 one-time payment
🚀 Minimum Investment: $99
💰 Payouts: 0.005 BTC, Daily
🏛 Founding Year: 2018

Pros and Cons of cloud mining

Pros of cloud mining

The pros of free cloud mining are that it requires no large upfront investment of resources and is relatively low risk due to the lack of physical assets required. Additionally, users don't need any specific technical knowledge or experience with cryptocurrency trading in order to participate in this activity.

With cloud mining…

It is not necessary to purchase a Bitcoin or Altcoin mining machine.

You don't have to pay electricity directly.

Renting a warehouse or preparing workshops is not necessary.

You don't have to worry about repairing and upgrading mining equipment.

New specialized machines pose no competition

Cons of cloud mining

There are some potential downsides such as security risks associated with online wallets and possible scams involving certain providers offering “free” services but requiring an initial deposit before allowing access. Furthermore, there may be instances where miners may not receive all promised returns from their investments due to market fluctuations or other unforeseen circumstances.

With cloud mining…

Controlling profits is difficult because profits depend on the company's growth

It is not possible for investors to directly control or participate in the Bitcoin mining process

Companies will charge investors for mining services, resulting in low profits

How does free cloud mining work?

The cloud mining process works similarly to traditional methods of cryptocurrency extraction. Miners need only connect their computer or phone directly with the server hosting the coins they want to mine. Once connected, miners are then able to utilize the computational resources of that particular server in order to solve complex mathematical equations related to that currency’s blockchain network.

As a reward for doing so, successful miners receive newly generated coins which can be converted into real money depending on market conditions at any given time. Cloud mining services provide users with an economical alternative when it comes to extracting valuable digital assets without having invested heavily into expensive hardware and software solutions.

Is free cloud mining profitable?

For a free bonus hashrate, you cannot earn more than 5-20 dollars, but if you buy power, the chances of earning increase.

The profitability of free cloud mining depends on a variety of factors, including the cost of electricity, the type and difficulty of cryptocurrencies being mined, and any fees associated with certain service providers. Generally speaking, free cloud mining can be profitable if users are able to choose reputable companies that offer competitive rates. Additionally, miners should consider factors such as hash rate when selecting a provider in order to maximize their returns over time.

While it is possible to make money through free cloud mining operations, it is important for miners to remember that there are risks involved due to market volatility and potential technical issues with providers or hardware used in the process. As such, users should take care when selecting a company for their needs and always do research before investing funds into any particular project. With this information in mind though, miners should be aware that it is possible to generate steady profits from legitimate services offered by reliable companies offering competitive rates.

Are free cloud mining sites legit or a scam?

Under the guise of free cloud mining, there are indeed scam projects. it is worth contacting only proven cloud mining platforms. Free mining is possible as a small bonus, but no one will give money away just like that. Therefore, when it comes to free cloud mining sites, there is no definitive answer as to whether or not they are legit or a scam.

Some sites may be legitimate and offer genuine opportunities for users to mine cryptocurrency at no cost; however, others may be fraudulent and require an upfront payment before allowing access. It is important for miners to do their research prior to signing up with any provider in order to make sure the site is reputable and trustworthy. Additionally, miners should look out for red flags such as hidden fees or high withdrawal requirements which can signal potential scams. Furthermore, if a website promises unrealistic returns on investments then it’s best avoided altogether.

Ultimately when deciding if free cloud mining sites are legit or a scam it’s important that users remain vigilant and take all necessary steps before investing funds into any particular project. By doing thorough research beforehand, miners can help ensure their safety while still having the opportunity of profiting from these services in the future.

How to choose a trustworthy cloud mining provider

When it comes to choosing a trustworthy cloud mining provider, there are several steps that should be taken in order to ensure the safety of funds and investments.

Below are tips for choosing a trustworthy cloud mining provider:

Firstly, miners should research any potential providers thoroughly before committing any money; this includes reading customer reviews and researching their background. Additionally, users should look out for red flags such as hidden fees or high withdrawal requirements which can signal potential scams. Furthermore, miners should always be cautious when dealing with companies promising unrealistic returns on investments as these could indicate frauds or other fraudulent activities.

It is also important to take into consideration the technical details associated with different service providers; this includes assessing the type of hardware used by each company and determining whether they offer competitive rates for their services.

Additionally, miners should pay attention to the security measures employed by different providers in order to identify those that make use of strong encryption technology in order to protect user data from malicious attacks.

Finally, users may want to consider joining a reputable online community devoted specifically towards cryptocurrency mining in order to gain access to valuable insights from experienced traders who have dealt firsthand with particular providers. Following these steps will help ensure miner’s safety when investing in cloud mining operations and maximize their chances of success over time.

Expert Opinion

While free cloud mining offers a low-risk entry point into cryptocurrency mining, proper research, and risk awareness are important. Some providers may offer legitimate short-term trials without fees, but long-term profits typically require ongoing investment. Market forces like coin prices and mining difficulty also impact profitability.

It's best to approach free offers cautiously, verify a company's reputation, read terms carefully for potential future costs, and avoid promises of outsized returns. For believers in cryptocurrency and its underlying tech, modest cloud mining can broaden participation without heavy upfront costs. But realistic expectations are key, and diversifying investments remains prudent given ongoing volatility.

Igor Krasulya

Igor Krasulya

Author at Traders Union

Team that worked on the article

Ivan Andriyenko
Author at Traders Union

Ivan is a financial expert and analyst specializing in Forex, crypto, and stock trading. He prefers conservative trading strategies with low and medium risks, as well as medium-term and long-term investments. He has been working with financial markets for 8 years. Ivan prepares text materials for novice traders. He specializes in reviews and assessment of brokers, analyzing their reliability, trading conditions, and features.

Dr. BJ Johnson
Dr. BJ Johnson
Developmental English Editor

Dr. BJ Johnson is a PhD in English Language and an editor with over 15 years of experience. He earned his degree in English Language in the U.S and the UK. In 2020, Dr. Johnson joined the Traders Union team. Since then, he has created over 100 exclusive articles and edited over 300 articles of other authors.

Mirjan Hipolito
Cryptocurrency and stock expert

Mirjan Hipolito is a journalist and news editor at Traders Union. She is an expert crypto writer with five years of experience in the financial markets. Her specialties are daily market news, price predictions, and Initial Coin Offerings (ICO).