7 Mistakes To Avoid To Start Making Money In Crypto

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To start making money in crypto, beginners should avoid falling for scams, lacking basic crypto knowledge, ignoring fundamental analysis, neglecting risk management, trading real money before paper trading, overtrading, and trading based on pump/dump calls. Prioritize education, use risk management techniques, and seek advice from experienced traders to navigate the crypto market effectively and increase profitability.

In this article, TU experts will discuss the top reasons why beginners lose money in crypto trading, highlighting critical mistakes to avoid. They will delve into topics such as falling victim to scams, lacking basic crypto knowledge, and ignoring fundamental analysis.

Additionally, they will explore how traders can mitigate these risks by prioritizing education, implementing risk management strategies, and seeking advice from experienced traders. Furthermore, experts will touch upon the role of crypto exchanges in helping traders avoid mistakes through educational resources, risk management tools, customer support, demo accounts, and market analysis insights.

  • What not to do in crypto trading?

    Avoid investing based solely on emotions or hype; conduct thorough research before making decisions.

  • Why do people lose in crypto trading?

    Lack of knowledge, poor risk management, and impulsive trading are common reasons for losses in crypto trading.

  • Is the crypto market manipulated?

    While some argue that the crypto market is manipulated due to its decentralized nature, others believe it operates based on supply and demand.

  • What percentage of crypto traders are successful?

    Success rates vary, but it's estimated that a relatively small percentage of crypto traders achieve consistent profitability due to the market's volatility and complexities.

Critical Mistakes while crypto trading

Getting Scammed

In the decentralized and largely unregulated realm of cryptocurrency, falling victim to scams is a prevalent risk. Scammers exploit the lack of oversight and transparency to deceive unsuspecting traders with enticing promises of quick profits or fictitious investment opportunities. This often leads to substantial financial losses for those who are duped by these schemes.

Year Total Investment Fraud (in billions) Crypto Investment Scam Losses (in billions) Increase Compared to Previous Year (%)









How to Avoid

  • Prioritize Education - Take the time to educate yourself about common scam tactics prevalent in the cryptocurrency space, such as phishing emails, fake exchanges, and Ponzi schemes

  • Conduct Due Diligence - Always research and verify the legitimacy of platforms, projects, and individuals before making any investment decisions. Look for credible sources of information and reviews from trusted sources

  • Use Reputable Exchanges - Stick to well-established and reputable cryptocurrency exchanges that have robust security measures in place to protect users' funds and data

  • Protect Sensitive Information - Never share your private keys, passwords, or other sensitive information online or with anyone else. Keep your cryptocurrency holdings secure by using hardware wallets or encrypted storage solutions

  • Stay Informed - Stay updated on the latest developments and news in the cryptocurrency space by actively participating in crypto communities, forums, and reputable news sources. Being informed can help you recognize potential scams and avoid falling victim to them

  • Seek Advice - When in doubt, seek advice from experienced traders, financial advisors, or professionals who can offer valuable insights and guidance on navigating the complex world of cryptocurrency investments

Lack of Basic Crypto Knowledge

For traders, lacking basic knowledge about cryptocurrencies can result in costly errors. This includes misunderstanding fundamental concepts like blockchain technology, being unaware of secure methods for storing digital assets, and falling prey to common scams prevalent in the crypto sphere.

How to Avoid

  • Prioritize Learning - Make an effort to understand the fundamentals of cryptocurrencies, including how blockchain technology functions and the various types of digital wallets available

  • Utilize Educational Resources - Take advantage of online courses, reputable websites, and community forums dedicated to educating individuals about cryptocurrencies. These resources can provide valuable insights and guidance for beginners

  • Practice with Small Investments - Start by investing small amounts of money and gradually increase your exposure as you gain confidence and knowledge. Simulated trading platforms offer a risk-free environment to practice trading strategies and familiarize yourself with market dynamics

  • Gain Hands-On Experience - Participate actively in the crypto market to gain practical experience. Engage in real-time trading, monitor market trends, and analyze price movements to sharpen your skills and understanding of crypto trading

Ignoring Fundamental Analysis and Forecasts

When traders overlook fundamental analysis and forecasts, they risk missing out on profitable opportunities or facing unexpected losses. Neglecting to assess market trends, project fundamentals, and upcoming events can lead to uninformed trading decisions with adverse outcomes.

How to Avoid

  • Incorporate Fundamental Analysis - ntegrate fundamental analysis into your trading strategy by conducting thorough research on cryptocurrency projects. Evaluate factors such as the project's whitepaper, team credentials, technology, and market demand to gauge its long-term potential

  • Analyze Market Trends - Stay abreast of market trends by monitoring price movements, trading volumes, and sentiment indicators. Understanding market dynamics can help you anticipate price movements and identify lucrative trading opportunities

  • Consider External Factors - Take into account external factors like regulatory developments, macroeconomic trends, and industry news that may impact cryptocurrency prices. Being aware of these factors can help you make more informed trading decisions

  • Access Forecasts - Platforms like Traders Union offer both long-term and short-term forecasts, providing valuable insights into market predictions. Utilize these forecasts to complement your analysis and make informed trading decisions

By combining fundamental analysis with technical analysis, traders can develop a comprehensive understanding of market dynamics and enhance their trading strategy for better outcomes.

Not Using Risk Management

When traders neglect to employ risk management techniques, they expose themselves to substantial financial losses in the volatile crypto markets. Without adequate risk management strategies, traders may find themselves overly exposed to market fluctuations and unforeseen events, jeopardizing their investments.

How to Avoid

  • Implement Stop-Loss Orders - Set stop-loss orders to automatically sell a cryptocurrency at a predetermined price, limiting potential losses in case of adverse price movements

  • Diversify Your Portfolio - Spread your investments across different cryptocurrencies and asset classes to reduce overall risk. Diversification helps mitigate the impact of poor performance from individual assets on your entire portfolio

  • Allocate Capital Wisely - Allocate only a portion of your capital to high-risk assets, such as speculative altcoins or initial coin offerings (ICOs), while reserving the majority for more stable investments

  • Maintain Discipline - Stick to your trading plan and avoid making impulsive decisions based on emotions. Embrace a disciplined approach to trading, adhering to predefined risk parameters and investment goals

  • Continuous Risk Assessment - Regularly reassess your risk tolerance and adjust your risk management strategies accordingly. Stay informed about market conditions and be prepared to adapt your approach as needed

Platforms like Traders Union offer educational resources and risk management tools to assist traders in developing effective strategies tailored to their individual needs. By prioritizing risk management, traders can safeguard their capital and improve their chances of long-term success in crypto trading.

Starting with Real Money Before Paper Trading

Jumping into cryptocurrency trading with real money before gaining experience through paper trading can lead to significant financial losses and missed learning opportunities. Without practicing in a risk-free environment, traders are vulnerable to making costly mistakes and may struggle to develop effective trading strategies.

How to Avoid

  • Utilize Paper Trading Platforms - Take advantage of paper trading platforms that simulate real market conditions without risking actual capital. These platforms allow traders to practice trading strategies, test different techniques, and gain experience in a risk-free environment

  • Start with a Demo Account - Many cryptocurrency exchanges offer demo accounts or virtual trading environments where traders can practice trading with virtual funds. Use these accounts to familiarize yourself with the platform and refine your trading skills before transitioning to live trading

  • Develop a Trading Plan - Create a comprehensive trading plan outlining your goals, risk tolerance, and strategy. Use paper trading to test different aspects of your plan and refine it based on your performance and market conditions

  • Track and Analyze Results - Keep track of your paper trading activities and analyze the results to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. Use this feedback to adjust your trading approach and enhance your skills before transitioning to real-money trading

  • Gradually Transition to Live Trading - Once you feel confident in your abilities and have consistently achieved positive results in paper trading, consider gradually transitioning to live trading with small amounts of capital. Start with low-risk trades and gradually increase your exposure as you gain experience and confidence


Overtrading occurs when traders execute an excessive number of trades, often driven by emotions or the desire to profit quickly. This behavior can lead to increased transaction costs, psychological stress, and diminished returns due to impulsive decision-making.

How to Avoid

  • Stick to a Trading Plan - Develop a well-defined trading plan with clear entry and exit criteria, risk management strategies, and profit targets. Adhere to your plan and avoid deviating from it based on emotions or impulsive impulses

  • Set Realistic Goals - Establish realistic goals for your trading activities, focusing on consistent, long-term profitability rather than short-term gains. Avoid chasing after unrealistic profits or trying to recover losses through excessive trading

  • Limit Trade Frequency - Avoid the temptation to trade excessively by limiting the number of trades you execute within a certain time frame. Focus on quality over quantity and only execute trades that align with your trading strategy and goals

  • Practice Patience and Discipline - Cultivate patience and discipline in your trading approach, waiting for high-probability trading opportunities that meet your criteria. Avoid impulsive trades driven by fear of missing out (FOMO) or the fear of loss

  • Review and Reflect - Regularly review your trading activities and performance to identify patterns of overtrading and understand the underlying reasons behind them. Reflect on your trading behavior and make adjustments to your strategy as needed to avoid repeating the same mistakes

Trading Based on Pump/Dump Calls

Trading based on pump and dump calls involves buying or selling assets in response to coordinated efforts to artificially inflate or deflate their prices. This practice often leads to significant losses for traders who fall victim to market manipulation schemes.

How to Avoid

  • Conduct Due Diligence - Before making any trading decisions, thoroughly research the assets you're interested in and verify their fundamentals. Avoid relying solely on tips or calls from anonymous sources, especially those promoting quick profits or guaranteed returns

  • Be Skeptical of Unusual Price Movements - Stay vigilant for sudden, unexplained price spikes or drops in asset prices, as these could be indicators of pump and dump schemes in progress. Exercise caution and refrain from participating in trades driven by irrational exuberance or fear

  • Avoid FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) - Resist the urge to follow the crowd or act on FOMO-induced impulses to join pump and dump schemes. Remember that participating in such activities is risky and unethical, and the potential for losses far outweighs any short-term gains

  • Use Reliable Sources - Seek information and trading signals from reputable sources, such as established financial news outlets, experienced traders, and trustworthy online communities. Exercise critical thinking and verify the credibility of the information before acting on it

  • Focus on Long-Term Investing - Instead of chasing short-term gains through speculative trading, adopt a long-term investing mindset focused on fundamentals and value investing principles. Build a diversified portfolio of quality assets with strong fundamentals and growth potential

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The main reasons of crypto trading mistakes

The main reasons for crypto trading mistakes often stem from psychological and behavioral factors rather than technical or fundamental aspects of trading. Some of the primary reasons include:

Reasons for Mistakes Description

Greed and Desire for Quick Profits

Traders are lured by the prospect of making fast and substantial profits in the volatile crypto market, often leading to impulsive and high-risk trading decisions

Lack of Discipline

Discipline is crucial for following a trading plan, but many traders struggle with patience and self-control, deviating from their strategy and risking losses

Fear of Missing Out (FOMO)

Fear of missing out on potential gains drives traders to enter trades hastily without proper analysis, resulting in buying high and selling low


Overestimating one's trading abilities can lead to excessive risk-taking, neglecting risk management, and ignoring warning signs of potential losses

Lack of Education and Experience

Trading without sufficient knowledge and experience increases the likelihood of mistakes due to a poor understanding of market dynamics and strategies

Emotional Trading

Emotional responses such as fear, greed, and panic can cloud judgment and lead to irrational decision-making, contributing to losses

Following Hype and Herd Mentality

Being influenced by hype, social media trends, or the actions of others can cause traders to make decisions based on popular sentiment rather than rational analysis

How crypto exchanges can help traders avoid mistakes

Experts have discussed below how crypto exchanges can help traders avoid mistakes:

  • Educational Resources - Crypto exchanges can provide educational materials such as articles, tutorials, webinars, and courses to help traders understand the market, trading strategies, and risk management techniques

  • Risk Management Tools - Exchanges can offer risk management tools like stop-loss orders, take-profit orders, and margin trading controls to help traders mitigate losses and manage their exposure to market volatility

  • Customer Support - Responsive and knowledgeable customer support can assist traders in resolving issues, answering questions, and providing guidance on trading-related matters, helping them navigate the platform effectively and make informed decisions

  • Demo Accounts - Offering demo accounts with virtual funds allows traders to practice trading strategies and familiarize themselves with the platform's features without risking real money. This helps beginners gain experience and confidence before trading with actual funds

  • Market Analysis and Insights - Providing market analysis, news updates, and insights on market trends can help traders stay informed and make better-informed trading decisions. Exchanges can offer research reports, market commentary, and real-time data to aid traders in their analysis

Expert opinion

Navigating the volatile world of cryptocurrency trading demands more than just avoiding common pitfalls outlined in mainstream advice. Success hinges on cultivating a disciplined mindset, grounded in patience and sound decision-making. Greed and FOMO can cloud judgment, leading to impulsive trades. However, by prioritizing education and embracing risk management techniques, traders can mitigate these emotional traps.

Furthermore, understanding market dynamics and conducting thorough research are paramount. Yet, true mastery lies in transcending herd mentality, relying instead on a strategic, long-term approach. Ultimately, the journey to profitability in crypto trading is a nuanced one, where wisdom and resilience are as essential as technical know-how.

Anastasiia Chabaniuk

Anastasiia Chabaniuk

Author, Financial Expert at Traders Union


In conclusion, navigating the crypto market successfully requires vigilance and a commitment to learning. By avoiding common mistakes like falling for scams, lacking essential knowledge, and neglecting risk management, beginners can improve their chances of profitability.

Prioritizing education, utilizing risk management strategies, and seeking guidance from experienced traders are crucial steps towards achieving success in crypto trading. Additionally, leveraging the resources provided by crypto exchanges, such as educational materials, risk management tools, and customer support, can further empower traders to make informed decisions and navigate the complexities of the market with confidence

Team that worked on the article

Parshwa Turakhiya

Parshwa is a content expert and finance professional possessing deep knowledge of stock and options trading, technical and fundamental analysis, and equity research. As a Chartered Accountant Finalist, Parshwa also has expertise in Forex, crypto trading, and personal taxation. His experience is showcased by a prolific body of over 100 articles on Forex, crypto, equity, and personal finance, alongside personalized advisory roles in tax consultation.

Dr. BJ Johnson
Dr. BJ Johnson
Developmental English Editor

Dr. BJ Johnson is a PhD in English Language and an editor with over 15 years of experience. He earned his degree in English Language in the U.S and the UK. In 2020, Dr. Johnson joined the Traders Union team. Since then, he has created over 100 exclusive articles and edited over 300 articles of other authors.

The topics he covers include trading signals, cryptocurrencies, Forex brokers, stock brokers, expert advisors, binary options. He has also worked on the ratings of brokers and many other materials.

Dr. BJ Johnson’s motto: It always seems impossible until it’s done. You can do it.

Mirjan Hipolito
Cryptocurrency and stock expert

Mirjan Hipolito is a journalist and news editor at Traders Union. She is an expert crypto writer with five years of experience in the financial markets. Her specialties are daily market news, price predictions, and Initial Coin Offerings (ICO). Mirjan is a cryptocurrency and stock trader. This deep understanding of the finance sector allows her to create informative and engaging content that helps readers easily navigate the complexities of the crypto world.